To register your St. Croix sheep, they must adhere to the following breed standards:
The St. Croix is a hair sheep. It is of moderate frame and size with long muscle type/pattern and a well sprung barrel. The coat is white and is shed each year.
Both sexes are naturally polled with no visible scurs. They have an attractive profile with the males often exhibiting a “Roman” nose. Ears should be fine textured neither upturned nor drooping, giving the appearance of alertness. The eyes are large and clear. The head should be carried in an upright manner on a long graceful neck.
The neck should join smoothly to the shoulder. There may be a dip in the topline immediately after the wither; the back then continuing in a lengthy manner to the point of the hip at which the coup drops at a relatively acute angle to the tail head. This angle is believed to facilitate the ease of lambing common to this breed.
The body should be symmetrical, deep and long when profiled from the side. St. Croix sheep are of moderate size and build when viewed from the front or back. The ribs are well sprung and the hips should be broad.
The forelegs should be straight with feet placed squarely underneath. The hind legs should not evidence “cow hocking” and the pasterns should be strong and upright.
St. Croix have a moderate volume of muscle. Muscling should appear long and well tied-in at the joints. Heavier muscling should be encouraged but not at the expense of overall breed type.
Ewes should have well formed even udders with two good teats. Rams should have two large, even, well developed testicles.
The St. Croix is a white hair sheep. They should have a true shedding coat. However, a softer wool undercoat on younger animals should not be penalized. Rams should have a mane of long coarse hair extending from the back of the neck even reaching the knee at maturity. There may be a dark pigment around the eyes, nostrils and lips. Not more than ¼ of the ear at the tip should carry dark pigments.
Body color spot larger than a US quarter dollar
Monorchid or cryptorchid
Horns or visible scurs
Evidence of shearing or body clipping
Breed registration promotes breed integrity, genetic diversity, and healthy sheep.
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